Wednesday 24 June 2015


Ok guys, so i had a conversation with a friend recently and she was like natural hair can only grow if you have mixed hair.  My response to that is ALL hair can grow if you take care of it.
So to help all those persons out there who would love to see their hair grow but have no clue how to get started or take care of the length you are now sporting, here are a few tips to Caring and ultimately growing your hair.

No. 1  Decide......
I know most of you are wondering why i put Decide as the number 1 essential to growing your hair, let me explain.
Every one wants to get that long flowing healthy hair but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to get it.  So for me deciding is the key essential.  Are you really ready to do the work to achieve the results you are looking for? and yes I said "WORK", taking care of your hair takes dedication and a lot of work.  You will have to put in the time for this to pay off.  So again I say
No. 1 Decide... decide....decide and then

No. 2  Create a Routine

Your routine will help you to follow specific steps in caring for your hair and will also help you to track your progress.
  • Wash routine
  • Maintenance Routine
  • Style routine

Wash routine


Always detangle your hair before beginning, this will help you to eliminate the chance of breakage from tugging or tangling of the hair, your aim is to grow no break.  One good method is to separate your hair in portions and then detangling by section.

What's that you ask?  if you are new (Transitioning) to creating a haircare routine  a Pre-Poo stands for pre-shampoo, the process of sealing/moisturizing prior to your wash day so you can retain more moisture, you can achieve this by applying a hot oil (coconut, oil blend or olive oil). 

Benefits of Pre-Poo Natural Hair

  1. Pre-Poo makes the hair more manageable
  2. Pre-Poo makes it easier to detangle your natural hair
  3. It helps reduce breakage of your natural hair
  4. Makes the hair softer
  5. Finally, pre-poo helps to restore lost moisture
Co wash
For me I find that doing a co-wash in the middle of the week keeps my hair looking and feeling alive and healthier.  this has also helped me in my growth. What is Co-wash?
A Co-wash  is a substitute of using shampoo to clean your hair, use conditioner instead. Also known as conditioner-only washing, co-shampooing or conditioner rinsing, the method is great for dry or curly hair because it cleanses just enough without drying hair out, as many shampoos tend to do.

Who should be doing it?
Dry, dehydrated, and damaged hair types find great success with co-washing, as do those with textured natural hair.

Scalp Care
Always remember that your scalp needs love.  If you want healthier longer hair then you may want to look more closely to how you treat and care for your scalp.
Your hair is affected by what you eat. If you suffer from a dry scalp, try incorporating more omega-3 and fish oils into your diet.
Your scalp needs exfoliation. Just like you exfoliate the skin on your face, your scalp can also benefit from a good scrub. Try detoxing at least twice a month for better results.

DIY scalp scrub
 Mix together 2 tablespoons each of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, finely ground oatmeal and your hair conditioner in a small bowl. Add 15 drops of the essential oil (Peppermint, tea tree, lavender or vitamin E)of your choice to this scrub mixture. Scoop a few tablespoons of the scalp scrub mixture onto your fingers and scrub your scalp, using a circular motion. Be gentle and do not rub too harshly.

Adding a scalp massage to a hair care regimen stimulates the scalp, improves circulation and reduces stress. Those looking to promote hair growth should consider performing scalp massages regularly.

DFYDT  - Don't Forget your Deep Treat
An essential part of your weekly routine should be to deep treat you hair.  Hair that is deep conditioned regularly is more manageable, softer, less prone to breakage and frizz, and is able to retain length. My recommendation is to start out weekly - if your hair begins feeling weak and limp, lessen to every two or three weeks. If it still feels dry, pump it up to twice a week.
If you want your deep conditioner to work double duty and make your hair feel super soft and smooth (or super strong if it is protein based), heat it up. According to this article by JC of The Natural Haven, heating your deep conditioner up to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) increases the amount and effectiveness of adsorption
Alternate - To achieve greater results from your deep treating sessions I recommend that you alternate between moisture and protein this will help keep your hair soft, strong, nourished, and minimize breakage, aiding in growth and length retention.

Styling - Protect protect Protect
If your goal is to retain and increase length then incorporating a protective style will aid you on your journey.
What are Protective Styling?
 Protective styling is finding hairstyles that require little manipulation and protect your hair especially the ends (most vulnerable part) from the elements physical and environmental agitation.

Its Summer guys and if you didn't love summer enough already, here's the cherry on top of that ice-cream sundae: Hair and nails grow at a faster rate during the warmer months.

now you have the 1, 2 to achieving your healthier hair.........

What are you waiting on?

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